We are excited to announce that The Let It Fly Classic is back in the Summer of 2022.

2022 marks the 7th annual basketball tournament held by co-founders Kyle Umemba and Cesar Castro. The Tournament will take place at Chelsea High School Gymnasium on August 13th, 2022. Games and entertainment will begin at 9am until 4pm.
"We knew we wanted to give back and make an impact in our local community. What started as a chance to do so ended up growing into one of the premiere High School Basketball showcases in America"
The Let it Fly Classic is a unique tournament that showcases some of the most talented high school ballers in the New England region while also giving back to its host community.
A Tournament with a cause
Helping students further their education is first and foremost the agenda of Let It Fly, a chance to see rising stars take the court quickly became a byproduct of that.
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